Saturday, March 2, 2013

Musical Goals for 2013

It's been way too long since I last posted here. Here are random snippets of my current status:
I've been trying to focus on where I want to direct my music. I've improved upon my tin whistle skills and am working on ornamentation. I'm also focusing on common note patterns in Irish music that is slowing me down from playing at session speed.
I got a mountain dulcimer for Christmas and have learned some key chords at different inversions for at least playing tunes in D or G. My goal is to play counter-melodies against a whistle or a flute. 
I plan to start learning the Irish tunes I choose on the flute, tin whistle, plectrum banjo, mountain dulcimer and guitar. I have tin whistles in different keys for playing tunes outside of D and G but the guitar and banjo are the only two chromatic instruments I play.
The Irish sessions I play in are run by a banjo player who plays Irish dances and they require playing in all keys. The guitar will be the primary instrument for playing in the sessions, but I'm leaning some of the tune sets on the whistle and as I improve on my embouchure and speed on the flute, I will adapt it too.
My wife got me great books for Christmas. The Grey Larsen books are the most valuable for learning. His and Enda Scahill's banjo books are the best for understanding ornamentations for all of my instruments. Lesl Harker's books of Mike Rafferty tunes are a great reference to a great flutist. Hammy Hamilton is such a good flute maker, player and writer that his book "The Irish Flute Player's Handbook" is a valuable addition. I have the books that will take me where I want to go. In fact, I
dropped membership from Blayne Chastain's great flute and whistle tutorial website because between these books and the book of sessions tunes, I have enough to progress at a good pace. 
For melodic playing - Tin Whistle, Flute, Banjo
For counter-melodies - Mountain Dulcimer
For rhythm playing - Guitar, Bodhran (asked for one for my birthday.)
I have plans to write songs and place Irish tunes into them. This will allow me to bring the electric guitar and bass into the mix. I've started to work with Garage Band on my Mac and iPad to record my music.
2013 Goals:
1. Successfully integrate Irish traditional music into a more rock-like format (without sounding like the popular Irish-punk sound.)
2. Produce at least one YouTube video of the result.
3. Work out a Christmas set for doing shows with a local singer/songwriter.
The Clubsiders exist (still) but the band will be lower on my priority list. Let's see if the band exists by year's end.
Welcome to 2013.

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